#include namespace daguerre { image get_hilbert_framebuffer() { uint32_t width, height, pitch; hilbert_color *ptr = __euler_get_framebuffer(width, height, pitch); return image(ptr, width, height, pitch, false); } //TODO: make this more robust unsigned read_text_int(std::FILE *input) { unsigned n = 0; char ch; std::fread(&ch, 1, 1, input); if (ch == '#') { do std::fread(&ch, 1, 1, input); while (ch != '\n'); std::fread(&ch, 1, 1, input); } do { n = n * 10 + ch - '0'; std::fread(&ch, 1, 1, input); } while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'); return n; } //only supports p6 format bool try_load_ppm(std::FILE *input, image &into) { char header[3]; if (std::fread(header, 1, 3, input) != 3) return false; if (header[0] != 'P' || header[1] != '6' || header[2] != '\n') return false; unsigned width = read_text_int(input); unsigned height = read_text_int(input); unsigned max = read_text_int(input); into = image(width, height); for (unsigned y = 0; y < height; ++y) for (unsigned x = 0; x < width; ++x) { if (std::fread(&into.buffer[y * width + x].r, 1, 1, input) != 1) return false; if (std::fread(&into.buffer[y * width + x].g, 1, 1, input) != 1) return false; if (std::fread(&into.buffer[y * width + x].b, 1, 1, input) != 1) return false; } if (max != 255) for (unsigned v = 0; v < width * height; ++v) { into.buffer[v].r = ((uint16_t)into.buffer[v].r * 255) / max; into.buffer[v].g = ((uint16_t)into.buffer[v].g * 255) / max; into.buffer[v].b = ((uint16_t)into.buffer[v].b * 255) / max; } return true; } //assumes the font is in psf2 format, and has a unicode table bool try_load_psf(std::FILE *input, fixed_bitmap_font &into) { uint32_t header[8]; if (std::fread(header, 4, 8, input) != 8) return false; const uint32_t glyphs_start = header[2]; const uint32_t glyph_count = header[4]; const uint32_t glyph_length = header[5]; into.height = header[6]; into.width = header[7]; const uint32_t unicode_start = glyphs_start + glyph_count * glyph_length; std::fseek(input, unicode_start, SEEK_SET); uint32_t indices[128]; for (uint32_t index = 0; index < glyph_count; ++index) { uint8_t ch; std::fread(&ch, 1, 1, input); if (ch < 128) indices[ch] = index; do std::fread(&ch, 1, 1, input); while (ch != 0xff); } for (uint8_t ch = 0; ch < 128; ++ch) { std::fseek(input, glyphs_start + glyph_length * indices[ch], SEEK_SET); into.glyphs[ch] = image(into.width, into.height); for (unsigned h = 0; h < into.height; ++h) for (unsigned wb = 0; wb < into.width; wb += 8) { uint8_t byte; std::fread(&byte, 1, 1, input); for (unsigned x = 0; x < 8 && wb + x < into.width; ++x) into.glyphs[ch].set(wb + x, h, (byte >> (7 - x)) & 1); } } return true; } }