=== voting-site === This is the source of the website at vote.benjidial.net. === dependencies === This code is written in Racket and requires a few packages. On Debian, you can get all of the dependencies by running the following commands: sudo apt install racket raco pkg install koyo scgi smtp === running === Before the server can be run, it must be configured. Copy email-template.rkt to email.rkt and then fill out the values. You can optionally change the variables in config.rkt as well. The server can then be run with `racket main.rkt`. This will start a scgi server on port 9000. You will need an SCGI-compatible web server to reverse proxy this. For example, with nginx, you can make a server entry with: server { location / { include scgi_params; scgi_pass localhost:9000; } } === attribution === The files static/CrimsonPro-*.woff2 are from https://github.com/Fonthausen/CrimsonPro and are licensed under the Open Font License, version 1.1. This license can be found at: https://github.com/Fonthausen/CrimsonPro/blob/master/OFL.txt The file static/favicon.ico is from https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/vote and is licensed under the Flaticon license. This license can be found at: https://www.freepikcompany.com/legal#nav-flaticon