path: root/source.rkt
diff options
authorBenji Dial <>2024-05-06 03:05:16 -0400
committerBenji Dial <>2024-05-06 03:05:16 -0400
commit379b35093097f0091e08e128c161000ead3d1e19 (patch)
treea20a390aec708c2176bee77e7e93367d63e3655c /source.rkt
parentf05e422f697c94edc2983b857dc814aedb7aaa9b (diff)
new version
Diffstat (limited to 'source.rkt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/source.rkt b/source.rkt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1560993..0000000
--- a/source.rkt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-#lang racket
-(require net/url)
-(require json)
-(require db)
-(define polls-per-day 4) ; configurable, set to any positive integer
-(define midnight-seconds (* 4 3600)) ; UTC-4, adjust accordingly
-(define channel-id "CHANNEL ID") ;replace this with the channel id, as a string
-(define bot-token "BOT TOKEN") ; replace this with the bot token, as a string
-(when (or (eq? channel-id "CHANNEL ID") (eq? bot-token "BOT TOKEN"))
- (display "Please set the channel-id and bot-token variables.")
- (newline)
- (exit))
-(define dbc (sqlite3-connect #:database "database.db" #:mode 'create))
-(unless (table-exists? dbc "entries")
- (unless (file-exists? "entries.txt")
- (display "Please put the entries into a file named entries.txt, separated by newlines.")
- (newline)
- (exit))
- (start-transaction dbc)
- (query-exec dbc "create table entries (name text unique not null, round int not null)")
- (query-exec dbc "create table open_polls (round int not null, msg_id text not null)")
- (query-exec dbc "create table closed_polls (round int not null, entry_1 text not null, entry_2 text not null, voters_1 text not null, voters_2 text not null)")
- (for ((entry (string-split (port->string (open-input-file "entries.txt") #:close? #t) "\n")))
- (query-exec dbc "insert into entries (name, round) values (?, 1)" entry))
- (commit-transaction dbc))
-(define (api-get endpoint)
- (string->jsexpr
- (port->string
- (get-pure-port
- (string->url (string-append "" endpoint))
- (list (string-append "Authorization: Bot " bot-token)))
- #:close? #t)))
-(define (api-post endpoint content)
- (string->jsexpr
- (port->string
- (post-pure-port
- (string->url (string-append "" endpoint))
- (string->bytes/utf-8 (jsexpr->string content))
- (list
- (string-append "Authorization: Bot " bot-token)
- "Content-Type: application/json"))
- #:close? #t)))
-(define (get-completed-poll-answers msg-id (sleep-time 1))
- (let ((resp (api-get (string-append "/channels/" channel-id "/messages/" msg-id))))
- (if (hash-ref (hash-ref (hash-ref resp 'poll) 'results) 'is_finalized)
- (hash-ref (hash-ref resp 'poll) 'answers)
- (begin
- (sleep sleep-time)
- (get-completed-poll-answers msg-id (* sleep-time 2))))))
-(define (get-users msg-id answer-id (so-far '()) (last-user #f))
- (let* ((base-endpoint
- (string-append
- "/channels/" channel-id "/polls/" msg-id "/answers/" (number->string answer-id) "?limit=100"))
- (resp (api-get (if last-user (string-append base-endpoint "&after=" last-user) base-endpoint)))
- (users (hash-ref resp 'users))
- (user-ids (map (lambda (s) (hash-ref s 'id)) users)))
- (if (empty? user-ids)
- so-far
- (get-users msg-id answer-id (append user-ids so-far) (last user-ids)))))
-(define (process-completed-poll round msg-id)
- (api-post (string-append "/channels/" channel-id "/polls/" msg-id "/expire") (make-hash))
- (let* ((answers (get-completed-poll-answers msg-id))
- (e1id (hash-ref (car answers) 'answer_id))
- (e2id (hash-ref (cadr answers) 'answer_id))
- (e1t (hash-ref (hash-ref (car answers) 'poll_media) 'text))
- (e2t (hash-ref (hash-ref (cadr answers) 'poll_media) 'text))
- (e1u (get-users msg-id e1id))
- (e2u (get-users msg-id e2id))
- (e1w (>= (length e1u) (length e2u)))
- (e2w (>= (length e2u) (length e1u))))
- (start-transaction dbc)
- (query-exec dbc
- "insert into closed_polls (round, entry_1, entry_2, voters_1, voters_2) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
- round e1t e2t (string-join e1u ",") (string-join e2u ","))
- (query-exec dbc "delete from open_polls where msg_id = ?" msg-id)
- (query-exec dbc "update entries set round = ? where name = ?" (if e1w (+ round 1) 0) e1t)
- (query-exec dbc "update entries set round = ? where name = ?" (if e2w (+ round 1) 0) e2t)
- (commit-transaction dbc)))
-(define (create-poll e1 e2 round poll-number)
- (let ((resp (api-post
- (string-append "/channels/" channel-id "/messages")
- (hash
- 'poll (hash
- 'question (hash 'text (string-append "Today's Poll #" (number->string poll-number)))
- 'answers (list (hash 'poll_media (hash 'text e1)) (hash 'poll_media (hash 'text e2)))
- 'duration 23)))))
- (query-exec dbc "insert into open_polls (round, msg_id) values (?, ?)" round (hash-ref resp 'id))))
-(define (send-message msg)
- (api-post
- (string-append "/channels/" channel-id "/messages")
- (hash 'content msg)))
-(define (sleep-until-next)
- (sleep 2)
- (sleep (modulo (- midnight-seconds (current-seconds)) 86400)))
-(for ((row (query-rows dbc "select * from open_polls")))
- (process-completed-poll (vector-ref row 0) (vector-ref row 1)))
-(define on-round (apply min (query-list dbc "select distinct round from entries where round > 0")))
-(define this-round (shuffle (query-list dbc "select name from entries where round = ?" on-round)))
-(define (main-loop)
- (define last-remaining #f)
- (when (= 1 (length this-round))
- (set! last-remaining (car this-round))
- (query-exec dbc "update entries set round = ? where name = ?" (+ 1 on-round) (car this-round))
- (set! this-round '()))
- (when (= 0 (length this-round))
- (set! on-round (+ 1 on-round))
- (set! this-round (shuffle (query-list dbc "select name from entries where round = ?" on-round)))
- (when (= 1 (length this-round))
- (send-message (string-append "# WINNER WINNER\n## " (string-upcase (car this-round))))
- (exit))
- (send-message
- (string-append
- "# ROUND " (number->string on-round)
- (if last-remaining
- (string-append
- "\nThe only entry remaining in the previous round was \""
- last-remaining "\", so it advanced. ")
- "\n")
- (number->string (length this-round)) " entries remain:\n* "
- (string-join this-round "\n* "))))
- (if (file-exists? "SKIP-TODAY")
- (send-message "There is no poll today :)")
- (for ((i (range polls-per-day)))
- (when (> (length this-round) 1)
- (create-poll (car this-round) (cadr this-round) on-round (+ 1 i))
- (set! this-round (cddr this-round)))))
- (sleep-until-next)
- (for ((row (query-rows dbc "select * from open_polls")))
- (process-completed-poll (vector-ref row 0) (vector-ref row 1)))
- (main-loop))