diff options
authorBenji Dial <>2024-01-13 19:14:58 -0500
committerBenji Dial <>2024-01-13 19:14:58 -0500
commite9898e829b8df7c0b16faec1ce490369c53fd78e (patch)
parent4130562b1555cabe441efe9420cebe12e7ed8d39 (diff)
minimal cpu exception handling
6 files changed, 378 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/applications/init/main.cpp b/applications/init/main.cpp
index 7aa2a38..a3f75e4 100644
--- a/applications/init/main.cpp
+++ b/applications/init/main.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ uint32_t fb_height;
uint32_t fb_pitch;
int main(int, char **) {
mercury::syscall::get_framebuffer(fb, fb_width, fb_height, fb_pitch);
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < fb_height; ++y)
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < fb_width; ++x) {
@@ -20,5 +21,6 @@ int main(int, char **) {
fb[y * fb_pitch + x] = mercury::syscall::encode_color(c);
- return 0;
+ return 1 / 0;
diff --git a/kernel/entry.cpp b/kernel/entry.cpp
index f7ba71d..cce8066 100644
--- a/kernel/entry.cpp
+++ b/kernel/entry.cpp
@@ -184,15 +184,6 @@ extern "C" [[noreturn]] void entry() {
-static void print_mem() {
- uint64_t used_vram_mib = (paging::get_used_vram_page_count() + 128) / 256;
- uint64_t free_pram_mib = (paging::get_free_pram_page_count() + 128) / 256;
- terminal::put_int_decimal(used_vram_mib);
- terminal::put_string_sz(" MiB kernel memory mapped.\n");
- terminal::put_int_decimal(free_pram_mib);
- terminal::put_string_sz(" MiB physical memory free.\n");
[[noreturn]] static void print_and_halt(const char *msg) {
while (1)
@@ -230,25 +221,11 @@ extern "C" [[noreturn]] void start_user_mode(
if (!init_file)
print_and_halt("/bin/init.elf does not exist.");
- terminal::put_string_sz("/bin/init.elf is ");
- terminal::put_int_decimal(init_file->dir_entry.length);
- terminal::put_string_sz(" bytes long.\n");
application::app_instance *init;
if (application::create_app(*init_file, init) !=
print_and_halt("failed to parse /bin/init.elf.");
- terminal::put_string_sz("/bin/init.elf loaded:\n instruction pointer 0x");
- terminal::put_int_hex(init->, 8);
- terminal::put_string_sz("\n stack pointer 0x");
- terminal::put_int_hex(init->saved_regs.rsp, 8);
- terminal::put_string_sz("\n ");
- terminal::put_int_decimal(init->count_mapped_vram_pages() * 2);
- terminal::put_string_sz(" MiB userspace memory used\n");
- print_mem();
- terminal::put_string_sz("switching to /bin/init.elf.\n");
application::running_app = init;
start_user_mode(init->, init->saved_regs.rsp, init->p4_paddr);
diff --git a/kernel/interrupts.asm b/kernel/interrupts.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c375ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/interrupts.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+bits 64
+global load_gdt_and_idt
+section .rodata
+;0x28 picked to align with limine choice
+;0x18 - tss
+;0x28 - kernel code
+;0x30 - kernel data
+;0x38 - user data
+;0x40 - user code
+ times 9 dd 0
+ dq 0xffffffffffeff000
+ times 15 dd 0
+ dw 0x47
+ dq gdt
+ dw 4095
+ dq idt
+section .bss
+ resq 512
+global exception_info
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resq 1
+ resb 1
+ resb 1
+section .rodata
+ db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0
+ dq exception_00, exception_01, exception_02, exception_03
+ dq exception_04, exception_05, exception_06, exception_07
+ dq exception_08, exception_09, exception_0a, exception_0b
+ dq exception_0c, exception_0d, exception_0e, exception_0f
+section .text
+extern print_exception
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x00
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x01
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x02
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x03
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x04
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x05
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x06
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x07
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x08
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x09
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x0a
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x0b
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x0c
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x0d
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x0e
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov byte [exception_info.exception_number], 0x0f
+ jmp exception_common
+ mov qword [exception_info.rax], rax
+ movzx rax, byte [exception_info.exception_number]
+ mov al, byte [has_error_code + rax]
+ test al, al
+ jz .no_error_code
+ mov byte [exception_info.has_error], 1
+ pop rax
+ mov qword [exception_info.error], rax
+ jmp .post_error_code
+ mov byte [exception_info.has_error], 0
+ mov qword [exception_info.rbx], rbx
+ mov qword [exception_info.rcx], rcx
+ mov qword [exception_info.rdx], rdx
+ mov qword [exception_info.rdi], rdi
+ mov qword [exception_info.rsi], rsi
+ mov qword [exception_info.rbp], rbp
+ mov qword [exception_info.r8], r8
+ mov qword [exception_info.r9], r9
+ mov qword [exception_info.r10], r10
+ mov qword [exception_info.r11], r11
+ mov qword [exception_info.r12], r12
+ mov qword [exception_info.r13], r13
+ mov qword [exception_info.r14], r14
+ mov qword [exception_info.r15], r15
+ pop rax
+ mov qword [], rax
+ pop rax
+ pop rax
+ mov qword [exception_info.rflags], rax
+ pop rax
+ mov qword [exception_info.rsp], rax
+ mov rax, cr3
+ mov qword [exception_info.cr3], rax
+ jmp print_exception
+;rdi - index
+;sil - 1 if this is a trap, 0 if it is an interrupt
+;rdx - isr pointer
+ shl rdi, 4
+ add rdi, idt
+ mov word [rdi], dx
+ shr rdx, 16
+ mov word [rdi + 6], dx
+ shr rdx, 16
+ mov dword [rdi + 8], edx
+ or sil, 0xef
+ mov byte [rdi + 5], sil
+ mov word [rdi + 2], 0x28
+ mov byte [rdi + 4], 1
+ ret
+section .data
+ dq 0
+ dq 0
+ dq 0
+ dq 0x0000e90000000067
+ dq 0;tss is 2 qwords wide
+ dq 0x00209b0000000000
+ dq 0x00009b0000000000
+ dq 0x0000fb0000000000
+ dq 0x0020fb0000000000
+section .text
+ mov rcx, 8
+ mov rdi, rcx
+ dec rdi
+ mov sil, 1
+ mov rdx, qword [exception_isrs + rdi * 8]
+ call set_isr
+ loop .loop
+ mov rax, tss
+ mov word [gdt.tss + 2], ax
+ shr rax, 16
+ mov byte [gdt.tss + 4], al
+ mov byte [gdt.tss + 7], ah
+ shr rax, 16
+ mov dword [gdt.tss + 8], eax
+ lgdt [gdtr]
+ lidt [idtr]
+ mov ax, 0x18
+ ltr ax
+ ret
diff --git a/kernel/interrupts.cpp b/kernel/interrupts.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65daf91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/interrupts.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#include <mercury/kernel/terminal.hpp>
+using namespace mercury::kernel;
+struct [[gnu::packed]] exception_info_t {
+ uint64_t rax;
+ uint64_t rbx;
+ uint64_t rcx;
+ uint64_t rdx;
+ uint64_t rdi;
+ uint64_t rsi;
+ uint64_t rbp;
+ uint64_t rsp;
+ uint64_t r8;
+ uint64_t r9;
+ uint64_t r10;
+ uint64_t r11;
+ uint64_t r12;
+ uint64_t r13;
+ uint64_t r14;
+ uint64_t r15;
+ uint64_t cr3;
+ uint64_t rip;
+ uint64_t rflags;
+ uint64_t error;
+ uint8_t has_error;//0 or 1
+ uint8_t exception_number;
+extern exception_info_t exception_info;
+const char *exception_types[] = {
+ "division error",
+ "",
+ "non-maskable interrupt",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "invalid opcode",
+ "",
+ "double fault (uh oh)",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "stack fault",
+ "general protection fault",
+ "page fault",
+ ""
+const char *flag_names[] = {
+ " cf",
+ "",
+ " pf",
+ "",
+ " af",
+ "",
+ " zf",
+ " sf",
+ " tf",
+ " if",
+ " df",
+ " of",
+ "",
+ "",
+ " nt",
+ " md"
+void print_line(const char *r1, const char *r2, uint64_t r1v, uint64_t r2v) {
+ terminal::put_string_sz("\n ");
+ terminal::put_string_sz(r1);
+ terminal::put_string_sz(": 0x");
+ terminal::put_int_hex(r1v, 16);
+ terminal::put_string_sz(" ");
+ terminal::put_string_sz(r2);
+ terminal::put_string_sz(": 0x");
+ terminal::put_int_hex(r2v, 16);
+extern "C" [[noreturn]] void print_exception() {
+ terminal::put_string_sz("exception handler:\n type: ");
+ terminal::put_string_sz(exception_types[exception_info.exception_number]);
+ terminal::put_string_sz(" (0x");
+ terminal::put_int_hex(exception_info.exception_number, 2);
+ terminal::put_char(')');
+ if (exception_info.has_error == 1) {
+ terminal::put_string_sz("\n error code: 0x");
+ terminal::put_int_hex(exception_info.error, 16);
+ }
+ terminal::put_string_sz("\n flags:");
+ if (exception_info.rflags == 0)
+ terminal::put_string_sz(" [none]");
+ else
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
+ if (((exception_info.rflags >> i) & 1) == 1)
+ terminal::put_string_sz(flag_names[i]);
+ print_line("rip", "cr3",, exception_info.cr3);
+ print_line("rax", "rbx", exception_info.rax, exception_info.rbx);
+ print_line("rcx", "rdx", exception_info.rcx, exception_info.rdx);
+ print_line("rdi", "rsi", exception_info.rdi, exception_info.rsi);
+ print_line("rbp", "rsp", exception_info.rbp, exception_info.rsp);
+ print_line("r8 ", "r9 ", exception_info.r8 , exception_info.r9 );
+ print_line("r10", "r11", exception_info.r10, exception_info.r11);
+ print_line("r12", "r13", exception_info.r12, exception_info.r13);
+ print_line("r14", "r15", exception_info.r14, exception_info.r15);
+ while (1)
+ asm ("hlt");
diff --git a/kernel/syscall.asm b/kernel/syscall.asm
index 56be8a4..e4e0d77 100644
--- a/kernel/syscall.asm
+++ b/kernel/syscall.asm
@@ -1,45 +1,9 @@
bits 64
-global load_gdt_and_idt
global start_user_mode
-section .rodata
-;0x28 picked to align with limine choice
-;0x28 - kernel code
-;0x30 - kernel data
-;0x38 - user data
-;0x40 - user code
- dw 0x47
- dq gdt
- dq 0
- dq 0
- dq 0
- dq 0
- dq 0
- dq 0x00209b0000000000
- dq 0x00009b0000000000
- dq 0x0000fb0000000000
- dq 0x0020fb0000000000
- dw 4095
- dq idt
- times 256 - ($ - idt) / 16 dq 0
section .text
- lgdt [gdtr]
- lidt [idtr]
- ret
extern syscall_encode_color
diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index 7b14369..2d103b3 100644
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ obj/kernel/%.asm.o: kernel/%.asm
KERNEL_OBJECTS = allocator.cpp application.cpp entry.cpp framebuffer.cpp \
paging.asm paging.cpp storage.cpp storage/bd/memory.cpp terminal.cpp \
- storage/fs/tarfs.cpp utility.cpp vfile.cpp syscall.asm syscall.cpp
+ storage/fs/tarfs.cpp utility.cpp vfile.cpp syscall.asm syscall.cpp \
+ interrupts.asm interrupts.cpp
obj/kernel.elf: ${KERNEL_OBJECTS:%=obj/kernel/%.o}
ld ${KLD_ARGS} $^ -o $@